Climate Change Law

Introducing the 2024 Snapshot on Global Trends in Climate Change Litigation

As the fight against climate change intensifies, legal battles around the world are shaping the course of climate action. The latest Global Trends in Climate Change Litigation: 2024 Snapshot, published by the Grantham Research Institute in partnership with the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, offers an in-depth analysis of the key trends in this evolving field.

The report highlights over 230 new cases filed in 2023, reflecting a growing emphasis on holding governments and corporations accountable. Notably, strategic litigation efforts are becoming more focused, targeting high-impact areas to challenge climate policies and corporate practices. From international courts addressing climate change to the rise of cases on “climate-washing” and “polluter pays,” this report offers critical insights for legal professionals, policymakers, and climate advocates alike.

Stay ahead of the latest developments and explore how climate litigation is driving global action by reading the full report on the LSE website here.

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